The Corner Office
CEO Blog

  • The Importance of Vision Clarity: A Test for CEOs and Boards of Directors

    In the fast-paced world of business, having a clear vision for the future is paramount. Yet, many CEOs and Boards of Directors struggle to articulate a vision that truly inspires and guides their organization towards long-term success.Consider this quick test: Does your vision simply aim to be the best in your industry, or does it

  • Do you have the alignment to achieve your 2024 Growth Strategies?

    Congratulations on completing your 3-year Strategic Plan! Now comes the crucial phase: execution. However, before diving in, it’s critical to assess whether your organization possesses the alignment necessary to realize your 2024 Growth Strategies. Research by LSA Global reveals that highly aligned companies experience a staggering 58% faster revenue growth and are 72% more profitable.

  • 6 Common Mistakes in Consumer Experience (CX)

    1. The Call Center is Viewed as Consumer Experience (CX) Please don’t misunderstand. There is tremendous opportunity in mining the data from the call center to learn what consumers are saying and to drive improvements. That’s a great start to CX, but it’s not CX. Consumer Experience is the perception of every interaction your consumers